Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
LINE 🤓 Is it implied or actual? Geometric or organic?
4 terms used to describe the design element ‘line’ and, more importantly, what types of lines you find most beautiful! 😍 Implied line = illusion of line created like the edges of the dresser or the edges of the lamp shade in the photo above. Actual line = drawn lines like the borders on the bed frames or the lines of lamp base. Geometric line = straight, smooth edges, curves or angles *almost* all the lines in the photo are geometric. Organic line = flowy, all over the place think plants, wood most natural things. In this photo, if you look closely, in the bottom corners, the creases/wrinkles of the bedsheets are organic lines. Now it’s your turn to observe your home & in your closet. 👀 What types of ‘lines’ are most dominant? P.S. If you notice lots of actual lines (geometric, organic or both) ‘Line’ is likely one of the design elements in your aesthetic style 😍 Finding out the other design principles and/or elements of your specific aesthetic will give you more ideas for accentuating ‘lines’ in your outfits & interiors. Those intentional details that bring you JOY is what personal style is all about, yas!
When your home feels like Pinterest but better because it’s your stuff, styled by you. Gina was one of my first interior redesign clients outside of my friend circle. She was intrigued by the idea of a new look in her home without buying new stuff but didn’t have high expectations. She'd hit a rut with her home & felt pretty hopeless about it. When I came for the initial consultation, I asked if she had images of homes she loved. Her reply “What’s the point if we’re not gonna buy anything?” Fair question! So we talked about design elements & principles and how knowing the specific ones you’re most drawn to (aka your aesthetic style) helps you create that ‘vibe’ with anything. Style isn’t what you have, it’s about how you bring it all together 😉 Gina finally showed me ONE magazine cutout, which we used to create a Pinterest board. We looked especially for some bookshelf inspiration because she wanted help styling her bookshelf. We observed that she was most drawn to images with subtle contrasts and lots of spaciousness. A week later, I came back with ideas for rearranging & styling Gina's bedroom and living room based on observing the design elements & principles that she loved most = her aesthetic style from her Pinterest board. Gina's aesthetic style: CONTRAST= black + white, square + round forms. UNITY = repeating colors + shapes spread evenly around the room SPACE = between books and objects on the shelf. We got to work restyling her furniture based on these design elements & principles. Below is Gina's living room before and after, 5 hours later. No shopping needed, we only used the items in her home ;) Rearranging based on her aesthetic style and placing the black lamp as the focal point, achieves a similar look to the Pinterest inspiration image above. I love Gina’s story because it’s a great reminder that beautiful personal style is more about intentionality 😍 than how much beautiful stuff you buy. YAS!
If you want timeless style, start with a timeless source: design elements and principles. Read more about design elements & principles and what aesthetic style is here. Often a new event is equated with a new outfit. But what if you’re invited last minute or you have no time in your schedule to buy or rent an outfit?
How can you put together something you’re excited about especially if you don’t own a lot of occasion wear? Funny story, this exact scenario happened to me last December going to a friend’s wedding. Watch this reel to see how it turned out. 😘 What surprised me most is how much fun I had, compared to a few years before where I would’ve resented having to shop my closet last minute. Here are 3 ideas to make your closet work for you in those last minute panic moments. Hint: they’re all about tapping into the power of styling!
Which of these three would you like to try? Leave a comment here or message me on Instagram. I'd love to hear how it turns out for you. *This article was originally written for People over Product a sustainable fashion magazine that I'm an Associate Style Editor for. You can check out the lastest issue here. Read the Spending Style Quiz below to find out!
This quiz was inspired by 4 iconic friend groups of women with very different personal styles. It’s not a quiz to tell you what to wear but a quiz that gets you thinking about why you make the choices you do. NOTE: If more than one answer applies, don't overthink it, go with your first instinct. 1. You get invited to your dream event, what thought comes into your mind first?
2. How would you describe your decor style?
3. When I open my closet I see….(text with images)
4. What are you most likely to overspend on?
5. Which statement do you relate to most about shopping?
Submit your answers online here to find out what your Spending Style is! For double the fun, send this quiz link to a friend then chat about your results and style insights. When we’re unable to find an outfit, our mind defaults to lack: not the right clothes, blaming our bodies and so on... 🫠
Especially when we feel intense emotions or are pressed for time, having a reliable strategy helps us calm down and focus. 😮💨🤓 This is what designers and stylists do, they use the same method repeatedly, despite having different clients in different situations. It doesn’t mean they don’t feel frantic or doubtful initially, they just know how to get started. HINT: it’s design elements & principles.😉 It’s this focused designer mindset I teach inside YAS Stylists. You don’t need to understand all of the design elements & principles, just your specific combination (your aesthetic style), yas! Your aesthetic style is that clear starting point to go back to again and again in moments when you feel overwhelmed with too many options or when you feel totally out of options. Rather than spend $$$ on a new purse or accent chair, learn a sustainable styling strategy to refresh your outfits & interiors without shopping. And experience renewed gratitude for the stuff you already own, tis the season! Learn how to see your wardrobe a new way inside the VIBE style class. |
Yun-A (rhymes with 'fun' 'Ah') CEO of Your Aesthetic Style. Join me in a fun & free class turning shopping inspo into outfits from your closet! YAS!
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