Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
Want to know one of the easiest ways to be more environmentally friendly this Christmas? Use less gift wrapping paper. Or if you’re up for a challenge, you can try not using any wrapping paper ;)
Fortunately, wrapping with less doesn't have to mean less beautiful or less fun. Here are our favorite eco-friendly ideas to keep the garbage at minimum and still be thoughtful and festive. Here are some tips for gift wrapping alternatives this holiday:
Think beyond paper. Its good for the environment but it's also a fun way to personalize your gifts and save money. It’s kind of crazy to think we spend billions each year on something that is forgotten in minutes and needs to be cleaned up after it is tossed everywhere around your living room. If you’re curious, and want to know more about wrapping paper and the environment you can visit Visit the website and use the checklist to reduce your waste this holiday season! Written by Orjana Hysenaj
The secret to buying less is buying only items you really LOVE and will continuously enjoy. There's a process to this. Practice it and you'll feel more confident about finding décor that resonates with you. Here are 3 steps to fine-tune your 'intuitive shopping' skills! Here's a typical scenario that used to happen to me ALL the time. I’m walking around a shop with my husband, I see something I think is perfect for our home. I point it out to him and he just shrugs his shoulders like whatever or shakes his head "NO WAY".
Ugh. Now I'm frustrated. Not because of the "No" but because I want to have a real conversation about home decorating and that's hard when he doesn’t seem interested at all. What I didn’t know, was that the real issue wasn’t with him but that I was asking the wrong questions in the wrong situations! I think we can all agree that whether we like it or not our home influences our mood. When our home is messy or disorganized it makes it harder for us to concentrate (#momlife lol). It's easy to think of the negative ways that our home affects our mood, but what about the positive? At the end of the day, we all just want to be happy, right? So it's important to think about how to create an environment in our home that encourages that. Doing this is a lot easier than sounds (don't you wish more things in life were that way?! ) That's why I consider these three of the BEST KEPT SECRETS to creating a home that makes you HAPPY! The BEST part is that all of these tips you can start doing right away without buying more decor. So here we go! Three ways you can create a happier environment in your home TODAY! Ahh Pinterest... anyone else love spending a little longer than you should browsing pins? As an admirer of BEAUTIFUL things there's so much to love about Pinterest! For a long time, I had a goal to get my home to a place where I'd feel proud to pin it on Pinterest. A Pin-worthy home! It was more of a long term goal though, because I wanted to get my ENTIRE home looking it's best before taking time to do a photo shoot. Until one day it hit me - that's NOT what's on Pinterest. The home interior pins never show an entire layout of a home in one image, they show inspiring snapshots of rooms. What makes a home interior pin STAND OUT isn't really how spotless or trendy it is... it's all about whether it visually inspires YOU. That's what determines if you pin it or keep scrolling. The same thing is true about our own homes.... |
Yun-A (rhymes with 'fun' 'Ah') CEO of Your Aesthetic Style. Join me in a fun & free class turning shopping inspo into outfits from your closet! YAS!
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