Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
I think we can all agree that whether we like it or not our home influences our mood. When our home is messy or disorganized it makes it harder for us to concentrate (#momlife lol). It's easy to think of the negative ways that our home affects our mood, but what about the positive? At the end of the day, we all just want to be happy, right? So it's important to think about how to create an environment in our home that encourages that. Doing this is a lot easier than sounds (don't you wish more things in life were that way?! ) That's why I consider these three of the BEST KEPT SECRETS to creating a home that makes you HAPPY! The BEST part is that all of these tips you can start doing right away without buying more decor. So here we go! Three ways you can create a happier environment in your home TODAY! 1) Start with Gratitude
In general, gratitude is a great approach to life because we appreciate what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have which creates a thought pattern of wanting more. HOWEVER when we think about having a nice space, we tend to focus FIRST on what can be improved. The ‘problem areas’ where something needs to be fixed or changed. This makes it hard to be happy with our home in its present state and instead we build up expectations of how happy we’ll be in the future ONCE we’ve finally fixed that one thing (organized the cluttered desk, bought new chairs…). These thoughts start out small but the more we focus on it, the more it builds up into something big that can make us feel quite unhappy in our home. So the way to STOP that kind of thinking is with gratitude. What this means practically in your home is to pay MORE ATTENTION to the areas that you already enjoy or appreciate. Maybe it’s a view from a window, a bathtub, or your favorite armchair. Whatever it is START THERE! Take a moment to reflect on what you enjoy about that area and ask yourself if there is any way that I can enhance this? Maybe place some candles around the bathtub OR a pretty pillow in the armchair… Enhancing the areas that you already enjoy makes them stand out so they catch your attention and KEEP you more focused on the happy areas rather than the areas that irritate you. This is especially important if you’ve just moved into a new home, are in a fixer up, or if you have small children and life is just always messy. There are a lot of areas in your home that you can’t fix or clean right away but don’t let that stop you from enjoying your home as it is right NOW. Take control over how you feel about your space by starting with gratitude. 2) Limit your Options Most of us have already got more than enough to decorate a beautiful home. We don’t need to buy more beautiful décor, what you need is to add your own unique touch to it. In fact your home wants to be decorated by you, to reflect your personality. It doesn’t want to look like a home straight out of an IKEA or Pottery Barn catalogue. Those rooms are pretty but it’s not uniquely YOU. So how do you do that? How do you make your home more personal and reflective of you? You tap into your creativity. ALL of us are creative!! It’s not about mastering DIY skills. Creativity is your UNIQUE way of thinking because NO ONE sees things or thinks the same way you do. The good news is that these two things go hand in hand. When you limit your options you allow your creativity to flow. We tend to think that changing our home means ADDING something new or different when actually the BIGGER changes come out of having fewer choices because you get creative about how you use your space and the items in it. When we first moved into our current apartment. I told myself to not buy any more cabinets or closets and only use what was there. This limited my storage options and forced me to think creatively about where to put things and had a HUGE influence on the way I decorated our entire apartment. The only way to experience how effective this though is to try it out yourself! Go ahead and look around your home with this thought in mind. Where can I limit my options and let my creativity flow? Get those creative wheels turning! 3) Tap into your Wall Potential Our walls are the most underrated gems in our homes. Because wall décor is at eye-level, meaning it communicates directly with your eyes. And when your eyes are happy you feel the effect in your mind right? (ie when you see something beautiful it makes you happy in that moment). We need visual inspiration to feel happy about our homes. Also wall decor is a great way to add that personal touch, to really make your home feel special and unique BUT you don’t want to just put any old thing on your walls either and this is where it gets difficult. We get stuck or hesitate to put something up because it feels so permanent. This adds to the pressure of finding wall décor that's really special or beautiful. Then months go by and still nothing is up. In fact, it’s pretty common to move into a home and wait until the end to decorate the walls. I want to challenge you to LET GO of that concept and even try the opposite! I’ve picked up the habit of putting up something on the wall as a FIRST step when moving in. I grew up moving every 2 to 3 years to a new home and new country due to my mom’s job as a diplomat. Each time I got a new bedroom the first thing I did was tape something on the wall. I didn’t nail anything since most of my favorite stuff was still in boxes, but I’d find something to put up temporarily and this helped me feel comfortable and at home even though I was in a completely new place. However, I know that for many people the idea of putting up wall décor feels intimidating. And it's probably the hardest to practice of the 3 points I’ve shared today. So I’ve taken a step to help you out! I’ve created a fun & very practical Wall Décor Mini-Course (it's based off of a Facebook challenge I created last year). Those who participated had a GREAT time and I’m SUPER excited to be able to offer it as permanent course on my site! My favorite thing about it is that it's short and simple. It only takes 15 min each day (to watch a video and do a short activity) for 5 days . By the fifth day you’ll have ONE item UP on your walls! YAY! Find out more about this mini-course here. Now go ahead and try these 3 things out in your home TODAY. Then come back and tell me about it in the comments! I love you hear your experiences and realizations especially any creative solutions you come up with! Happy decorating! Yun-A Johnson
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Yun-A (rhymes with 'fun' 'Ah') CEO of Your Aesthetic Style. Join me in a fun & free class turning shopping inspo into outfits from your closet! YAS!
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