Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
Your Aesthetic Style BLOG
Ahh Pinterest... anyone else love spending a little longer than you should browsing pins? As an admirer of BEAUTIFUL things there's so much to love about Pinterest! For a long time, I had a goal to get my home to a place where I'd feel proud to pin it on Pinterest. A Pin-worthy home! It was more of a long term goal though, because I wanted to get my ENTIRE home looking it's best before taking time to do a photo shoot. Until one day it hit me - that's NOT what's on Pinterest. The home interior pins never show an entire layout of a home in one image, they show inspiring snapshots of rooms. What makes a home interior pin STAND OUT isn't really how spotless or trendy it is... it's all about whether it visually inspires YOU. That's what determines if you pin it or keep scrolling. The same thing is true about our own homes....
Yun-A (rhymes with 'fun' 'Ah') CEO of Your Aesthetic Style. Join me in a fun & free class turning shopping inspo into outfits from your closet! YAS!
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